Well, it happened. Zach had a note from his teacher in his folder regarding behavior problems. The teacher said that Zach was having problems listening during play time, work time, and line time. That sounds like all the time. He brings home a little report card every day that will have a stamp on it to indicate his behavior that day - a smiley face, a sad face, an okay face. Sometimes he'll get a star on it and a Wow! under the happy face. Other times, it'll be a sad face with a box around it saying he didn't listen. Last week was pretty bad. Lots of didn't listens and sad faces. Then this week has been sad faces so far. I'm not sure what's up. He's been eating well and getting enough sleep. The only other thing is our getting ready to sell the house. There are boxes everywhere and J's been working on the house a lot. So maybe this is unsettling him. Or maybe he's just bored with school now that it's toward the end of the year. How can you tell with a 4-year old?
On the other hand, Zach's eating habits have greatly improved. Along with his fear of the dark and being alone. He'll venture downstairs or upstairs at least once by himself, then he might ask one of us or Asia to go with him the second time. I also found out the kid likes hard-boiled eggs! And raw carrot sticks! That and his usual love of noodles with parmesan cheese (don't you dare put any sauce on it!), meat on the bone (chicken legs or ribs), rice (but has to be sticky), and chicken.