Zach started Kindergarten last week. No problems so far. No crying. Nothing. No overjoyous moments either. No coming home and saying,"Mom, look what we did!" so we'll ask him to empty his backpack and show us his crafts. I'll ask him what he ate for lunch, knowing already what he ate by looking at the menu. His answer is usually PBJ (not on the menu) or one time he said shrimp (which was dinner the night before). He seems to like it. I say this because he doesn't fight to not go to school.
Asia started preschool today. Just a one-hour session with parents. She seemed to like it, though she was all clingy to me. That's why I have to have John take her to school. I'd love to be able to drop her off and see her run off with her friends to play. But she'd drag me in with her. With John, it might be more like, "see ya!".
We're considering having her go to Kindergarten next year instead of waiting another year. We'll see how this year goes and how Zach is in Kindergarten. I think Asia would be fine if she went half-day. She'd be 1/2 year younger than her friends in class, but she was like that last year and was fine. As long as we work with her on her letters. She can already write the letter A for her name. Then I 'll write the rest of the letters in dots so she can connect them.