The dress rehearsal was Wednesday. That was torture. We had to be there at 4:30 PM. Then there was about 1/2 hour just to get people situated, another 1/2 hour for a slide show of pictures taken throughout the year (cool if you're older, but not when you're in preschool with the attention span of a minute). Next, they practiced the finale of the show. That's going to be interested. Trying to time it just right so that about 60 girls all come out in different groups to do a few moves, wave, and exit the stage to music. At least it provides a good laugh. Then each group practiced in the order of the concert. Asia's group is something like 17 or 19 - after the intermission. Asia did pretty well, though, sitting and waiting her turn. I brought along her V-smile game, so she played a little bit. But actually one of her bunny friends played it most of the time. I had the sound turned off so I guess Asia got bored of it. She likes it when her friends like her things anyway.
I'll try to get another picture tomorrow. She doesn't like having her picture taken. She likes attention but not photo attention. It's interesting.