Someone forgot to tell us about the early time change in Mexico. We were ready to go to lunch only to find they were still serving breakfast the next day at what we thought was still noon. It took us awhile to get used to having a later lunch and a bigger breakfast or multiple breakfasts. The main lunch buffet didn't open til 1 PM. Breakfast was served til 11:30 AM. We eventually figured out you could snack packs of cookies, fruit and granola bars from the breakfast buffet to save for munchies later on. I even grabbed some for the airplane ride back.
Reading poolside....
The wave pool....

The kids are wearing the funky blue swimcaps because they were in the kid's club. One way for the counsellors (aka babysitters) to know which kids were theirs.
The beach....

The food... Each night you could sign up for a different theme restaurant or just eat at the buffet. The star below is of fried rice - Japanese steakhouse restaurant. Unfortunately the kids were so tired this night that they almost fell asleep at the table, so we skipped out on dessert.

And the towel sculptures!

In this third picture, you'll see a towel birthday cake. John's 41st birthday. The kids made him cards and tried to keep John happy all day. A couple of times, Zach got grumpy over something like losing a chess game to John, and then Zach would remember it's a special day and give John an extra hug. Below is a picture of John reading Asia's birthday card and wearing a paper hat she made him.

Asia even did her homework - half of it at least - while in Mexico. The little boy who shall remain anonymous forgot his homework at school so he ended up doing it all on the Monday that we got back. Luckily Zach's teacher only gave him a little homework. Mr. G had told me that he wanted Zach to enjoy his vacation. Asia, on the other hand, had gobs of homework that she spent most of that Monday evening finishing up what she didn't get to in Mexico. They only missed 3 days of school yet it seemed like Mrs. M had given Asia an entire week's worth of schoolwork.

Another part of the resort the kids liked was the mini kids club. You could sign them in during the day and they can meet other kids their age - many from New Jersey who had the week off or Quebec or Toronto. At night, there would be the mini-disco on the stage. One night, we found the kids doing the hokey-pokey on stage and then a game of musical chairs. John and I had gone out to the French Gourment restaurant that night which was adults only, so the kids went to the kids' club for dinner. I don't think they would have gone up on that stage if they had been with us, since they were with the club counsellors, they didn't have any choice but to participate.