I was watering the grape vine, clementis, strawberry, and raspberry plants this morning and unearthed a bunch of young wild bunnies. They were hopping around, so I ran inside and told the kids to come outside and take a look. Asia managed to corner one on the stairs down to the driveway and scooped it up. She's named it Clementine. We got a cardboard box for it and Zach cut some carrots for it. They put grass and dirt in the box along with some water. They labelled the box with their names as the proud owners of a new bunny. Unfortunately, since Asia's been holding it everywhere, bringing it on the swing with her, and sitting in the sun with her, the bunny hasn't moved. If you put it back in the box or on the ground, it just sits there in whatever position you place it in. I fear that either Asia squeezed it too hard or else it's just scared almost to death. Asia said she's gentle with it and actually when I hold the bunny, it does just sit there. It doesn't fight at all. I tried to give it some water from a dropper. Anyway, it did just show some signs of life. It peed on Asia's skirt when she had it sitting on her lap. That's a good sign. ha! And when she put it down in my garden area, it started to take off until Asia scooped it back up. I figure we'll let Asia take care of it for a day or so and then let it free. I think I saw its mom hop by this morning.

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