Today was the Girl Scouts Romp N Roll day where each girl scout in our area (West Perry) gets to bring a friend to roller skate. Asia brought Acacia this year. Last year we tried to go and Asia got the stomach flu a few minutes before we left. Literally - we were walking out the door with Asia and her friend Lydia. Asia says that she's not feeling well, and then she pukes all over the floor. I told her that it worked out right that we hadn't left yet. This time, all went well. My new GPS-enabled phone got us to the skating rink without any problem, even though it took us on a back road that seemed sketchy. Once we were there, it took Asia a few tries before she was comfortable with her skates. First it was a size 1 inline skate. That was too small. Then a size 2 inline skate, it was too wobbly. Then size 2 four-wheel skates - those made her fall all the time. Then back to size 2 inline skates -but one of them was defective so she wore two different types. A few mistarts. Luckily Acacia is a patient girl and waited each false start.
Asia actually skates pretty well (for not skating that often). I watched from the sidelines, debating on whether I should go talk with some other mom's or read or keep a vigilant eye. I get really paranoid. I told Asia that I could never take her sledding because if I did, I wouldn't let her have any fun. I'd probably end up yelling - don't sled that way, watch out for that kid, there's a bump there, veer left! I'd be the only mom out there yelling amongs a sea of dads.
Towards the end of the skating time, I was chatting with another mom, and then bam! Asia took a big spill. I could tell by the way she was slowly getting up that she was hurt. I helped her off the rink, gave her a few hugs, and then reminded her that Acacia was probably looking for her. Asia was a trooper. She dried off her tears and went back out on the rink. She's been getting a lot tougher these days. It used to be that she'd get hurt and then she was done for the day. Now she gets up and keeps going. That's my girl!