November 27, 2006

Happy Birthday

My son is now six years old. Six! My little boy is six. I can't believe it. I have a six year old. That just sounds old. :) You can still pretend to be a young mother when your kid is like pre-elementary age, or like 5 and under. Once you have a six year old, you're just lumped together with older couples. Even if you're still in your twenties, which I'm not.
Anyway, we're celebrating Zach's birthday on Wednesday at good ol' Chuck E Cheese. Zach invited a few of his friends to the party. We've heard from all but one so far. So we have Sean, Emme, Ethan, and Steven.
We still had a small family celebration today. Asia made Zach a card. She wrote on it, "Dear Zach. Asia." That's alot of words for her to write already. Zach, in turn, made Asia a card. It said, "To Asia. Yoor cool." I love his phonetic spelling. It's so cute. I hate correcting him but he needs to learn to spell the right way. I haven't figured out yet how to encourage his initiative yet not discourage him when I try to correct him. Anyway, I digress as usual....
I bought a bunch of toys at ToysRUs. Half are for Christmas and Asia's birthday. I figured I'd just buy them all at once. I also made a stop at the dollar store. Spent 1.50 on a blue gift bag. Stuck a Power Ranger outfit in it and two shirts (Power Rangers again and Incredibles). I don't know why I bothered with the gift bag. Zach doesn't care about the wrapping. He put that Power Ranger outfit on right away. Then he proceeded to zoom around the house and wore it til bathtime. The kid is so easy to please. Luckily. After dinner, we also had a little fudge cake that Asia and I had made. I put some Cool Whip on it and then stuck a candle in it. We sang Happy Birthday and Asia told Zach to make a wish. For the next 10 minutes, Asia and Zach re-enacted the blowing out of the candle, switching off on who would be the birthday kid and who would turn on and off the lights when the candle was blown.
I'm lucky that these kids are easy to please. I was fretting about what to buy Zach. A few days ago, I took Zach to Target with me and had him go aisle by aisle down the toy section and tell me what he wanted. He liked the remote control cars and planes, the puzzles, the pirate swords, and the Power Ranger outfit. I told him that I would surprise him with one of those. The Power Ranger outfit at Target was a fancier muscle suit that cost like 35 dollars. I found a simple one at ToysRUs for 10 bucks. I am so lucky that Zach didn't care that I got a cheaper one. I don't think he totally knows who Power Rangers are anyway, he doesn't watch the show. He's just one cool kid.

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