November 21, 2008

Another Big Scare

I think my kids like to give me a big jolt every now and then. See if I'm still alive. So the other day, around 7 in the morning, I heard this sounds like one of the kids coughed, puked, burped. Something. So I peeked my head out of the bedroom door and didn't see anyone up or moving about. If someone threw up, they'd be up and calling for one of us. So I went back to bed. Then maybe 20 minutes later, I heard it again - this time I can tell someone is throwing up or something. I check on Asia and she's sound asleep. I go in Zach's room and he's lying there, mouth open, and drool or puke or something coming out of his mouth. So I tell him to sit up while I get a towel and I tell John that Zach is throwing up. John put a trashcan on the bed and Zach threw up again. It was just mucus. But the weird thing is Zach had his head turned to the side, like he was embarassed about throwing up and didn't want us to see. So he kept spitting up (wasn't that much) but on his shirt or the blanket and not in the trashcan in front of him. I tried to tell him to spit in the trashcan, nudging him. But he kept his head turned to the side. I realized he wasn't hearing us, so I pulled him to me and his eyes were staring to the extreme right so I could barely see his pupils. And his head was stuck turned to the side. I kept talking to him asking him if he heard us, pinching him, gently shaking him. Eventually he came to, like out of a deep sleep. He didn't know what was going on and just wanted to go back to sleep. We let him, but kept checking on him to make sure he was okay. He woke up 1/2 an hour later with a headache. And then threw up some more. The next hour or so was me in a panic, going on the internet to see if Zach had a seizure. Calling my sister to see if she was still at home. Checking the pediatrician's hours and agonizing that they weren't going to be open for another hour. I ended up calling a different branch and they said we should bring Zach to the ER. I had read that too, but I really didn't want to bring Zach to the ER. The good thing about the ER is all the tests readily available, but the bad thing is the cost and the waiting and the waiting. I didn't want to put Zach through that.
Anyway, I ended up waiting and making an appointment with my usual pediatrician. John brought Zach in (poor kid was still throwing up every 20 minutes or so but no substance) and the doctor said Zach had a mild cold. A MILD cold!!! All that for a cold? Just too much mucus in Zach's tummy was causing him to vomit. But the seizure? The doctor couldn't explain that and said it was rare. We're just to see if it happens again. Ugh... I hope it doesn't. Stuff like this sticks with me forever.

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