December 20, 2008


Asia is now in Girl Scouts - the Daisies. I don't remember there being a Daisies group. Es was in Brownies. I was in Girl Scouts, but I only remember being in it for like one year. I didn't even ever buy the outfit - the whole green sash, dress, hat. I did get a bunch of the pins and badges. Anyway, this week was the Daisy Christmas party with a little gift exchange. Each girl brings a wrapped present, then the scout leader read a story and every time she said the word "Santa" the kids had to pass their gifts over to the next person in the circle. Then when the story was done, everyone had a different gift in their hands. Asia ended up getting a charm bracelet set. It was cute. She had a great time. A bunch of her friends are in the Daisy group so she really likes to go.