December 05, 2009
Zach's Bday party
The first game the boys played was the Mummy game. Who can wrap their partner up with toilet paper faster and use the whole roll?
The boys found the ones who went slower and steadier won. Else the toilet paper kept breaking.
The next game was taking this long piece of twine that was tied to a spoon. The boys were split into two teams. The first person in the team had to take the yarn spoon and snake it down their shirt and then pass it to the next person who had to do the same. When it got to the end of the line, they had to then untangle themselves.
The third game, the teams had to see who could keep a feather off the floor the longest by blowing on it.
One hilarious game was a dress-up relay race. There were two paper bags full of clothes - John's socks, my pajama pants, John's shirts, Zach's hockey jersey, Zach's winter hats, and my scarves.
The first person in the team had to put on all the clothes properly and then run around the house and then tag the next person who had to put on all the clothes. Total chaos. Very funny to watch. Everyone trying to help one another to put on clothes. One person putting on socks on to the team mate, while another team mate was trying to get the shirt untangled. The rest of the teammates are yelling stuff like "Faster! Faster! Put on the sock! Get it on!"
One game was outside - Basketball shots. While the boys were outside with John, I got the next game ready which was throwing pennies, nickels, and a few quarters all over the kitchen floor and under the dining room table. I didn't watch this one since I went to get the pizza, but John had them all scramble to pick up as much money as possible in a certain amount of time. We then added up each cup of coins to determine the winner. One kid said he only picked up dimes. Another one said he found a quarter. Those were the two that won this game. The kids got to keep the money they found.
John also had the kids take shots on him with a hockey puck and soft rubber ball. Max and Jeremy both got 2 out of 5 in the goal. Zach, Aidan, Adam, Luke, and David all got one goal. The final game was who could make the tallest free-standing tower out of gumdrops and toothpicks. Last time we did this with newspaper and tape. That seemed a little too difficult for second graders. This time, it was pretty easy. The tallest tower went to Zach and Jake at 14 inches. Next was Aidan and then Sam. Afterwards, the kids decided to make a maze and stick their towers together. It's still on our kitchen table. Aidan was the last to leave the party and he said to leave the maze. He told Zach to try and roll a ball through it. It's pretty funny. I love that they were so creative. Plus at this age, they're all still polite and listen. Yeah, they were screaming and jumping on one another, having pillow fights with my couch cushions.
Winners earned points on a chart. The winner got to pick a prize from a bunch of toys and candy we bought. The biggest prize cost $20. It's funny but the cost of the toys doesn't mean that much to the kids at this age. One of the boys had a choice between some lego sets and remote control cars and he chose a giant KitKat bar.
Here's a video of the kids singing happy birthday.. which then turned into a kid-generated smoke alarm.
All in all, considering nothing was broken, no one was hurt, and everyone went home happy, I say it was a pretty successful party.
For gifts, Z got lots of money which he was happy about, plus some gift cards, a game, a nerf gun, and a bionicle lego creature. Plus he picked a robot car out of the prize stash.
November 29, 2009
another one for Zach
October 31, 2009
allergies and stuff
We found out that A is allergic to papaya. At least, we think she is. She had a smoothie with papaya in it and within 1/2 hour or so, she started breaking out in really bad hives. They spread from her tummy all the way up around her face. The worst case of hives she's had. I gave her some Benadryl right away and within a few hours and a nice nap, her hives were gone. So add that to cats and maybe penicillin. Poor girl was wondering why her body is so sensitive.
For Halloween today, Zach is going to be a hockey player. He was going to be superman but the muscle costume is tight around his neck. He spent so much money on that Superman costume. Oh well. Asia is a goth death fairy. Basically she made the costume up - drew pictures of it. And then I helped tone it down some. She wanted a headband with horns on it. All black. A cape. Face painted. Rings, necklaces, blood. A wand with a skull on it. Eeks. Wasn't she Cinderella last year? 360 degree turn. Anyway, we'll see how it goes. I changed the headband idea to a black veil. She's wearing a black summer dress of mine. Then I made her some wings.
October 13, 2009
kick it to the flu or not?
I was thinking of getting at least the H1N1 because we're going to Mexico for vacation. I thought they had an epidemic or something already. Though if the epidemic already passed them, maybe it's extra safe? Also you have our dear germ-spreader, Asia. Touch this, touch that, fingers in the mouth, fingers in her nose. "Go wash your hands!" She's not Miss Sanitary. Opposite of her brother. Zach is a very thorough hand-washer. So I would almost want to vaccinate Asia just so she doesn't get the virus and spread it to me. Hmmm.. I don't think it works that way. Alas.. flu shot or not. flu shot or not. I will debate this in the next few weeks and probably throughout the winter until it's spring and then decide then that I don't need it or should have gotten it.
October 09, 2009
construction time again
Of course to get to all the floor, the stove had to be moved.
We kept cooking on it until eventually it was moved outside and covered with a tarp. Hopefully we don't get rid of it without removing my cookie trays and pizza stones that are in the bottom drawer.
So how do I cook in the meantime? Well, of course, we go out quite often. Last night, Asia and I went to Olive Garden. John and Zach were at soccer practice. The night before was Chan's Tea House. Again, we brought food home since Zach probably had hockey. But for lunch since I rarely have time to go out... today I had ramen. Notice how I cooked it.
Good ol outdoor cooking. Luckily it wasn't raining. So now John has the new floor down. It hasn't been stained yet. Looks kinda neat with the zigzag of old and new wood.
The kitchen/dining room space has a nice openness to it. An echo when you talk. Yesterday, we were looking at reviews for ranges and stovetops. Exciting. Stay tuned.
August 09, 2009
It's my birthday in Paris
Another great appetizer was the panned squid with Espelette pimiento. The squid was fresh and not rubbery at all.
This is one of the main dishes - Casseroled codfish with fresh peas and country bacon. The country bacon was more like stewed ham and was really good.
August 07, 2009
Finally a good restaurant
The good thing about the day is that John and Zach had gone out earlier to do some shopping for school clothes for Zach and we ended up meeting up unplanned. Asia and I were taking a break eating a late lunch at a restaurant when I looked out the window and saw John and Zach waiting to cross the street. So they joined us and we did some more shopping. It's a little daunting when you're not exactly sure what a sale sign says. Is that buy the first one and then get the second one for 1 Euro or is it that the second is 1 Euro off or what? Does the red smiley face card mean something different from the blue smiley face card on the sales item? Anyway, live and learn.
We also hit the jackpot on a really great restaurant. A lot of the places we've eaten so far have been fine, at least one good dish, but nothing really exciting. This time, we ran into a place called L'Ebauchoir on Rue de Cietaux. We first went to this one restaurant that looked really neat inside because it had all these different kinds of sofa's, but they only served sandwiches. Asia and I am not a fan of sandwiches for dinner, so we turned the corner and saw this other restaurant. It was 7 PM and the restaurant opened at 7:30, so I made a reservation and then we hung around the outside of the restaurant. John walked off to grab a snack and drink since he was starving. The kids recorded a video for another of their Harry, Buzzard and Goober shows. Their imaginary radio characters have been to the Pantheon, the cemetary, and the apartment. Now the rue Faubourg area. I haven't put the videos on Youtube or anything yet because they're pretty long but quite funny.
So the bill for L'Ebauchoir was quite expensive, but what you would expect for the service and quality of food. This is the first restaurant that refilled our water carafes without us asking. The waiter spoke great English and was very nice. He explained the menu for us since we couldn't figure out most of the menu. One pork dish that we ordered - when I looked it up, the definition was something like filthy pig. One of the tricks of the restaurant is that they give you a bottle of wine, if you want wine, and you pay for how much you drink. So of course, we drank the whole 21 dollar bottle - a 2005 Massereau Bordeaux. So here's an idea on the bill in euro's:
1 Tartare - a white fish - excellent - 11.00
1 Oeufs Poches - poached egg in mushroom sauce - also really good - 9.00
2 rascasse (rascasse a la plancha, legumes a l'huile d'olive de Provence citronee)- this was a white fish entree. John told the waiter that we haven't had any good fish yet and the waiter recommended that we try this dish. It was so good and I didn't even try it at first since John and the kids devoured it, so we ordered another one. The dish was 19 euro's each.
1 puree truffe (puree de pomme de terre aux brisures de truffe) - this was a potato puree with some truffles in it. delicious. Asia and I really liked it. 6.00
1 cote de cochon fermier cuite a basse temperature, peche rotie et miel de l'Ardeche (if I wrote it down right) - this was the pork boneless ribs with a roasted peach and side of mashed potatoes. the gravy was sweet brown and we ate it all and wanted more. 19.00
1 gauteau riz - I think the restaurant must be famous for this. It was called something like grandmother's recipe rice pudding and there was a replica of the dish on the wall as part of the decor. You get this 11 inch rectangular baking dish full of rice pudding that was caramelized and tasted somewhat like flan. We couldn't finish it and weren't even sure if we were supposed to eat the whole thing. I was thinking it was another one of those pay for how much you eat, but John said that'd be unsanitary. The whole dessert was only 6.50. It could have fed 6.
1 millefeuilles - this is a dish that the kids ate up. it had these small thin wafer cookies with caramel ice cream in them and caramel whipped cream.
So the total bill? A whopping 117 euro's which includes tax and tip. But it was all worth it.
August 05, 2009
Paris Tooth Fairy
August 02, 2009
The thin French
I'm sure it's all the walking. This is a big city. There's lots of traffic but mostly out of towners. Everyone walks or bikes. The city is built for that. I love how almost every block has these rental bikes that are automated. We haven't been able to use them though since our VISA cards don't have the smart chips needed. I'm thinking it's also the way the grocery stores are laid out. You don't drive your big mini-van or SUV up to the local grocery store and stock up on a month's worth of processed foods to store on your shelf. You get enough here that you can carry back with you if you're walking or on your bicycle or your scooter or your little rolling cart. All the grocery stores I've been to here have been really small. Not much selection. And good reason too since you can't get too much anyway. I think that's the secret. You go to the grocery store or market and get what you need that day which means fresh ingredients that may be cooked in duck fat or lots of butter, but don't have all the fattening chemicals in processed food. Is that the secret? Can I try it at home? Probably not.
August 01, 2009
PereLachaise Cemetary
Today we visited the Pere-Lachaise Cemetary.
John's not feeling well - he has a bad cold or flu, so I took the kids out. First we went to the grocery store to get juice and lunch stuff. Asia picked out some hot dogs and strawberries. We can't get too much since we'd have to carry it all home. The kids are so much better now with walking long distance and carrying stuff. Not one complaint, though the grocery store is only 1/2 a block away or so. After lunch, we planned to go to the cemetary and have a snack there - the strawberries and drinks. When we got to the cemetary, we found one of the guard stations and asked for a map of the cemetary. Then I picked out a few people to find. The kids didn't know any of them. We picked 8 people to find but only found 4 of them before we ran out of time and energy. We found the graves for Rossini, Chopin, Jim Morrison, and Ledru-Rollin. We wanted to find Ledru-Rollin only because the main street we live near is named after him. After awhile at the cemetary, Asia started to get spooked out. She wouldn't even drink her Orangina or yogurt drink in the cemetary. She thought if she stayed near there or breathed in the cemetary, she could die. She also didn't like the lack of color and the dirt. Zach had a great time. I had him find the different graves while Asia was the photographer. That helped some. The last grave we looked for was Jim Morrison's. It was a little more difficult to find because it's not right on the main paths like the other's. We walked by it at least once and circled the area around it. I only found it because I saw people going to it. We found a few grassy areas to take a break in. The last one was near the crematorium, I think. First we played hide and go seek. Asia and I had to find Zach. The problem is that he kept moving around when he saw us. I filmed the search but ended the film before we found Zach since it was taking too much space on the camera. It was supposed to be like one of those reality shows. At the end, Asia and Zach filmed one of their Harry, Buzzard, and Goober shows. It's starting to become a theme to record these reality spots. John started it with the kids where John is Harry, Asia is Goober, and Zach is Buzzard. I think it's supposed to be a spoof off of the cable show, ICarly. Anyway, the kids get really crazy when filming one of their shows. I have to figure out how to get them on the net, but they're kinda long. After we filmed the show at the cemetary, some guard on his motorbike started yelling at us that the cemetary was closing. Then he drove on further to yell at some other people. He was herding us back to the main entrance. That was kind of funny considering that they were yelling in French and most of the visitors were not French. I just knew that ferme was closed so that's enough for me. At first I thought they were yelling at us for filming or because the kids were too loud.
Eiffel Tower
July 26, 2009
Tour de France
July 24, 2009
day 9 in Paris
Yesterday, we found a neat little restaurant to eat in. The original one we planned on going didn't open til 8 PM and it was 7 PM. We didn't want to wait an hour. We tried to go back today at 8 PM and it was reservation only. Eventually we'll make it in there and it better be worth the effort! So back to the other restaurant. I never get the names of the restaurants because I usually forget them unless I get a business card from them or go there again or if it's simple enough. I do remember what they look like though so we can try to go again. This place was designed more like a coffee house and had live music that starts after 9 PM. The kids especially liked the comfy chairs. That's one of their perks in the restaurants these days. Asia will ask, "Mom, can I sit by you on the comfy side?" This is because a few of the places we've eaten in would have a table with a bench on one side that has padded seats and the other side would be two hard chairs.
Here's a picture of one of the salmon appetizers we got.
Today we went to the Luxembourg gardens. First we took a train to Leon de Bruxxelles ( where they're supposed to have really good mussels, and they did. John said we came here during our honeymoon - actually twice - once with his friend Mike and then again on our own. I don't remember it, but the restaurant reminded me of the good mussels place in downtown Toronto.
Afterward, we took the Metro train to the Luxembourg gardens with a pitstop to a pharmacy to get hydrocortisone because the kids are getting eaten by mosquitoes or something. It started raining again during this time, but luckily I brought my umbrella. The rain was off and on. Even while we were at the playground at the gardens, it started pouring. Zach and Asia were one of the last sets of kids who ran to the sheltered area. Crazy Americans. Earlier in the morning, we had also gone to a flea market and I bought 3 shirts for a euro each and a shirt and shorts for Zach for 5 euros. Asia really wanted this porcelain slipper but it was 6 euros. The seller was going to give it to her for 5 but she only had 2 euro's. We gave Asia and Zach 2 euro's each that they could spend in the market. Zach bought 2 transformer like toys. Asia decided to save hers since we said next time we go to the market, we'd give her another 2 euro's. So anyway, the 2 long-sleeved shirts I bought at the market for the kids came in handy at the park during the rain. I was freezing, on the other hand. The kids mainly played on two structures in the playground. One was this really talk teepee as seen below. I think it was strategically built so that if a kid fell from the top, they'd hit all these other ropes that it's made of and not get seriously hurt. At least, I'd hope.
For dinner, we returned to our neighborhood and ate at Royal Voltaire. The duck foie gras with fig jam was delicious. John got oeuf mayonnaise, which we'd seen as an appetizer quite often and wondered if it was really just an egg with mayonnaise. Well, it was though the mayonnaise was more like a mustard-mayonnaise sauce. For the kids, we got them penne, but it was with this cream alfredo sauce that they don't like so they didn't finish it. John got blanquette de veau - a veal dish with a slight cream white sauce and rice. He loved it. I got what was called beef on a board, and it was literally a steak and fries on a slate board. For dessert, the kids had vanilla ice cream (I thought less sugar and caffeine for them, Asia didn't appreciate it but she ate it), chocolate mousse for me, and tiramisu for John.
July 22, 2009
day 7 morning
We also took some pictures in the downstairs lobby of the apartment building. Asia is really into these fashion poses that she saw on America's Next Top Model on tv back home. It's rare to get a cute little girl pose from her. I thought this first shot grabs the future personalities of my kids. Can you picture them in 10 years, in their teens, and looking similar to this? Zach has this quirky pensive look - like here I am - like it or leave it, I suppose, but stay happy because I'm smarter than you. Asia has this look like I'm the hottest thing since sliced bread and you better acknowledge it or I'm going to be in your face. I think we're in trouble.