February 12, 2008

brown baby

A song that Asia learned in school. But here's her version:

John's brown baby had a cold in his chest,
cold in his chest,
cold in his chest.
John's brown baby had a cold in his chest
so he slobbered it with mentholated goo.

I think the words are really supposed to be like:
John Brown's baby had a cold in his chest...
so he slathered it with mentholated goo.

But hey, brown baby makes sense too. The mentholated goo word was a bit tough to get the first time. It was like menth.... mentho... mentholated goo. So she did get it eventually. No prompting from me since I didn't even know the words.

Now Asia's singing:

It's Valentine's day.. it's valentine's day.. it's valentine's day tomorrow.

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