July 14, 2004

7 Years And Counting....

This week was our 7th wedding anniversary. I can almost NOT be able to imagine life without my two kids. Almost, I say, because there are moments when I'm really tired or wish I could go out and have some fun - and then I remember that yes, there was a time when I could just get in the car and drive somewhere without worrying about who would be watching the kids. Or times when John and I could go see a movie or go to some neat festival or long car trip. Travelling and vacations have been especially hit hard. Where can we go that's close by and not inconvenient? Asia doesn't like long drives, or any drive longer than 15 minutes. She also doesn't like to fly. If we could walk there, maybe she'd like it. She just doesn't like being constrained to one little area, one car seat, one airplane seat. Zach's at a great age where he's so flexible. He can travel long distance, help carry things, he barely eats anything. The only thing is to remember to take him to the bathroom or put him in a pull-up. But beware if he gets bored. Then you have a little kid bouncing off the walls, the floors, the lamp posts.
Then again... I wouldn't want my life without my kids. It's that catch-22 thing. :)

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