Here are more pictures of the apartment we're staying in.

This is how the kids have redecorated the living room. I sure hope the owner doesn't mind his furniture used to make forts, clubhouses, and stores. Zach has also claimed it for his bedroom on account of Asia's snoring being too loud.

The little kitchen equipped with a dishwasher, fridge, and a washing machine. We've done at least 4 loads so far. The nice thing about this apartment actually being lived in is that it is equipped with almost everything you would need. I've even figured out how to use his Italian coffee machine. It's so much better than the drip style. And only makes one cup which is perfect for me. I think I'm going to have to buy one. I even had to look up the instructions on how to use it -

We brought Zach's violin so he can practice and in hopes of having him take some lessons while he's here, but the lessons haven't happened yet. He does actually volunteer to practice so that he can get some time on the computer and his practices actually sound good.

The bathroom. I haven't figured out how we're supposed to use the bidet thing. Notice that the toilet is not in this room. It's in its own little room, which makes it a little more cumbersome when we have to keep reminding Asia to wash her hands after she uses the toilet since the sink is in a different room.

Asia's room. Isn't she a cutie?

The kids playing the computer - Asia's wearing her little cap which is all you can see of her. Zach's helping her play a game.