I skipped yesterday because it was uneventful and not one that I really want to remember. John's lack of sleep and my hormonal nature (PMS) didn't mesh. heh heh. Anyway, we ate at a bad pizza place for dinner, thought it had the cleanest kitchen and restroom I've seen yet. Maybe because it was new. Or maybe the building was newer too. What is amazing is that the Tagliaterre Carbonara - Spaghetti Carbonara - that I mistakenly ordered because I thought it was a red sauce - didn't kill me. I took two Lactaid pills just in case. I think this should be the diary of a Lactose-intolerant Asian American Woman in Paris. Yeah. It would not be fun to read.
We did go to a market yesterday, walking quickly to get there before it closes, but I think it must stay open a little later on Sunday. When we went on Thursday, they were all packed up by 12:30. Makes sense though that they'd stay open later on Sunday. Most of the stalls were all of food. It was pretty amazing. I wish I could have bought some of the meat or fish but I wasn't sure what was what and how long we'd be out before we went home. One of these days. I did get some Japanese rice snack mix and cashews. I also bought a shirt for Asia and a really cute leopard cap. Zach got a soccer ball.
Later that day, we went to a park. The kids liked this one ride where you sit together and they'd swing it back and forth until the back hit the ground and Zach would cry out in discomfort. Then they'd do it again. I also took a picture of a really pretty tree. I have no idea what it is but it has really feathery leaves. I finished my book - Girl, Interrupted.

Today, Asia and I went to a soup restaurant while John and Zach went to a sports store to get some Ping-Pong equipment. Asia and I love soup. We get it from my dad. He loves soup too. Anyway, this place only serves 5 or 6 soups a day. Today's selection was a carrot soup, lentil, zucchini, cold tomato, and gazpacho. Asia had the lentil and I had the cold tomato. The lentil was really good. I also took some carrot soup to go.
Afterwards as we were walking back, we met up with John and Zach walking back from the sports store. We returned to our apartment since I had planned on working a half-day. And what a crazy half-day it was. Very hectic. Here's what the kids did with John while I was at work: