December 21, 2008
December 20, 2008
Holiday Concert
December 05, 2008
Dear Mom....
Sha-Li Cheung of Austin, TX, formerly from Ohio and Taiwan, died on Sunday, May 4, 2008. She will be missed dearly by her family: her husband, David; children, Elise Neill (and husband John), Esther Cheung, Samuel Cheung; her grandchildren, Asia and Zachary; along with many other family members and friends. Her life was a life of expressing Christ to all who knew her – in her cooking, in her singing, in her caring.
Sha-Li enjoyed baking and decorating cakes in her kitchen while listening to hymns CDs. Her home was always open for friends to stop by for dinner or conversation. Her caring and generosity was a major part of her service in the Church in Austin. Services will be held at 1 pm on Saturday, May 10, 2008 at Wilke-Clay-Fish Funeral Home, 2620 South Congress, Austin, Texas. The burial will follow at Onion Creek Memorial Park.
This is from my mom's funeral, my little eulogy. I've been putting off adding this to my blog because it makes me sad, but I'd like to put it in now as a dedication to my mom. I miss her so much.
Dear Mom,
I miss you. I miss you telling my kids to eat their vegetables, and then making them a chocolate cake with strawberries. I miss you reminding my kids of the starving people in China. I miss your cooking. Thank you for leaving dumplings in my freezer and the peapods from your garden. I wish I could have spent more time with you, writing down your recipes. I figured I had all the time in the world. I always envied your garden. Why didn’t I inherit your green thumb? You would send me pictures of your vegetables growing, taking over the whole yard. I would plant the long beans and peapod seeds that you sent to me in the mail and then watch them bear perhaps two or three measly beans. I wondered whether it was that Texas weather or just your miracle touch.
I was going through your purse the other day and I got more of a glimpse of just who my Mother was - besides being the one who nurtured me, gave me character, and fed me. There were Mystery of Human Life gospel tracts. I could see you reading those with ones seeking something more in life. There was a well-used address book. Sam, Esther, and I were in there quite a few times from all of our moving around. There were pieces of paper with brothers’ and sisters’ names on it, receipts of some sort. You were active, Mom. To the day you died, you were so involved in the church life, in family life, and you even left some time for yourself – to learn to decorate cakes and grow a garden.
You weren’t supposed to leave yet. Not for at least another 20 years. But Mom, you lived your life to the fullest. I’ll miss you.
And then I added a PS that I spoke in the eulogy. It really was something I added in the morning of the funeral. I had typed out my eulogy the night before.
P.S. I thought that if something like this would ever happen, I would be so angry at the Lord. Forsake Him or something. Instead, I feel the Lord's arms around me, holding me firmly and whispering, "Do you still love Me?" I have to answer, with no hesitation, "Yes, Lord, I still love You. I want my mom bad, but Lord, I do love you."
November 25, 2008
zach snack
November 21, 2008
Another Big Scare
Anyway, I ended up waiting and making an appointment with my usual pediatrician. John brought Zach in (poor kid was still throwing up every 20 minutes or so but no substance) and the doctor said Zach had a mild cold. A MILD cold!!! All that for a cold? Just too much mucus in Zach's tummy was causing him to vomit. But the seizure? The doctor couldn't explain that and said it was rare. We're just to see if it happens again. Ugh... I hope it doesn't. Stuff like this sticks with me forever.
November 07, 2008
Vacationing in the Dominican Republic
The room was pretty nice. We couldn't control the A/C though and it was always set at 21 degrees Celcius which was just too cold. Especially when you're running into your room from outside in the evening and you're wet from the pool. We almost always had the A/C off and just the patio doors open for a nice breeze.
The first night we were there, Asia got sick. I think it was from the milk I gave her to drink in the lobby. They had snacks and she wanted some milk. There was a carafe of milk next to the coffee, so I gave her some of that. I gave some to Zach too but he didn't drink much because he said it was warm. He doesn't like warm milk. It dawned on me later that this milk carafe must have been sitting there all day unrefrigerated. Poor Asia. She was nauseous at dinner and didn't want to eat. She ended up falling asleep on my lap. Then when we got to the room, she ran to the bathroom, but nothing happened. She woke me up in the middle of the night saying she didn't feel too well. So I put a trashcan near her bed and a towel. She woke up a few minutes later and puked all over the floor - near the trashcan. But pretty much on the floor and on my feet when I ran over to her. We used up most of the towels in the room. In the morning, I put them all in the balcony and then showed them personally to the cleaning lady so she'd know to take them out. Asia was still a little queazy during the day but by the evening, she was her old self again.
Here's a picture of Zach on the boogie board. The kids had a blast with it and then we left it in the hotel lobby when we got on the shuttle to go to the airport. Oh well.
One of the things we did at the resort was horseback riding. It came with the package. A 2 hour ride. I've never been horseback riding. None of the kids have, besides riding a pony on a fair. But those ponies are usually led by a trainer or tied to some kind of ring or something. This was like - here, get on a horse, and there you go! I swear the guide for our horse ride was swearing under his breath in Spanish and saying stuff about the Devil, like "what the devil?" John was thinking that more likely one of the horses was named Diablo - like the horse John had. It was so tall - perfect for John. But also a little headstrong. At one point when we stopped and were getting off of our horses, John's horse kicked out after John got off. The horse kicked my horse some (more my foot) and then almost kicked John! The horse that Asia and I rode liked to torture us by riding along the edge of the trail so that we ran into trees or were whipped by the bushes. I kept trying to steer the horse back to the middle and it would jerk his head. I think maybe these horses were just tired of being ridden all day? I tried to show it who was boss, but the last thing I wanted was for the horse to buck off me and Asia. And what do I know about horses? Just whatever I read about training dogs. Wonder if you can use the Dog Whisperer's tactics on horses? Here's a picture of me on the horse right after John's horse kicked my foot.
September 28, 2008
car mess
So then after analyzing our mess, I thought why is it that if you see a dad get out of a messy car, you feel for him. You think, what a great dad, taking care of the kids. And you ignore the mess in the car because it's almost expected. Now picture a mom getting out of this messy car with kids in tow, and if you are a mom, you might feel sorry for her or feel kinship with the mom. Now instead, you see a woman coming out with no kids in sight. You see the mess of the car, and you wonder what her problem is. Why is this woman such a slob! You know what I mean? A guy could get out of a messy car (with kids or not) and you don't think much of it. A girl gets out of a messy car and you think she has problems. What is it in our female brains that makes mess stand out so much? And riddle you with guilt? Even if you invite someone to your house, if the house is a mess, it's reflected on who? The mom or the wife. She can't take care of her household. She's on a sinking ship and obviously can't captain.
September 22, 2008
September 04, 2008
Back to School

August 24, 2008
Anyway, we made it through checkout without any issue. Asia and Zach wanted to carry their cactus plants to the car and on the way home. We stopped by a grocery store so I could grab some milk, bread, and whatnot and when I came back, there was a little crying girl in the car. John, Zach, and Asia stayed in the car while I shopped - makes me shop faster. Very slick. Anyway, I found out that somehow, the plastic sleeve on Asia's plant had fallen off and also the plastic pot. So Asia was holding the catcus by the dirt roots. I opened the door and found the pot and the sleeve and put the cactus back in there. I asked her why she was still crying. Turns out she had prickles everywhere. Perhaps the cactus plant fell and she decided to catch them with her legs! Luckily she wasn't wearing shorts, but the prickles went through her pants anyway. The most painful was the one in her thumb. She wouldn't let us touch it. But she pointed out the prickles in her legs. About around her ankles like she had clamped her ankles together to catch or hold the cactus. All these little green pins on one side of her left and right ankle. I was going to try pulling them out but she insisted that no one should touch the prickles, but her. So she proceeded to start pulling them out, all the time crying. I called her Dr. Cactus. She was performing a medical feat on her own. On her self. She actually did manage to pull out most of those green prickles. John took out the rest later when we got home. He's the king of removing splinters, so removing prickles fell into his category.
So what possessed me to let them get those prickly plants and even replant them into nice pots and display them in my office and dining room? That darn Home Depot marketing.
July 27, 2008
What kind of Mom am I?
I'm wondering what she's leading up to, so I answer, "Yes."
Asia adds, "But have you played dolls with me before?"
Does the girl have a bad memory? Or do I? I'm wracking my brain trying to remember the last time the two of us actually played dolls. Sure, I've bought her dolls. Told her to play with her dolls. It's after her bath time and she's playing in her room while I get her brother ready for his bath. That means, nagging him to get in the bathroom and get in the bath. Lately, he dawdles for ever before actually getting in the bath. First he probably goes to the toilet. Then he looks in the mirror while he's washing his hands. I usually hear him talking to himself so I'm assuming he's making faces in the mirror and pretending to be some superhero. At this point, I tell him to get in the bath. Eventually, I hear splashes of water and then, "Mom, the water's too cold!" This is because he's using the same bathwater that Asia was in. This is okay, right? I don't want to waste water and it's not like Asia peed in the water. So I tell him to turn on the hot water. This is logical. Why he has to tell me it's too cold and not just turn on the water is beyond me. I think it's like me telling my husband that the trash in the kitchen is full. He knows it's full. That's why he started stacking the trash above the trash can. My statement means, take out the trash now. I just don't say it that way. So I think that's what Zach means when he tells me the water is cold and knows that he can turn on the hot water himself. He wants me to come over and turn on the hot water for him. And often it's because he's completely immersed in the water or again, making faces in the reflection on the faucet.
So back to Asia and playing with dolls. We're having some quiet time before bedtime. She's asking me if I've played dolls with her before. I'm sure I have. I can't remember when, but I'm positive there was one time in her five years on this earth. So I tell Asia that yes, I have played dolls with her.
Asia says, "I don't think you have. Do you know what you play with me?"
I'm dreading the answer.
"Webkinz." She says.
And it is so true! What do I like playing with her? Computer games! Not playing with the actual Webkinz stuffed animals. But computer games. So I felt some guilt. But I still didn't play dolls with her. I watched her play dolls. It was more amusing. If she's happy playing on her own, why interrupt?
So today, I vowed, well not really, I planned for less computer time. We first went to the library. I forgot it was closed. So we went to a restaurant across the street of the library and ate. While waiting for our food, I had Zach write down as many words as he could that ended in op and then finish a book. Asia drew pictures and then we worked on some words too. She can read maybe 20 words. I think that will pick up like lightning in Kindergarten this year.
Then we went to Bruester's for ice cream. Representatives from the animal shelter were actually at the ice cream shop, so the kids played with two dogs there. One was a really cute minitaure pinscher named Zeus who is about 2 1/2 years old. Very cute little guy. Very mellow. He had just been dropped off at the animal shelter the day before. Apparently he wasn't getting along with one of the owner's cats. Poor doggie. We then went to Target. See this is what I do with the kid's on weekends when John's out doing his thing (rafting today). We go out to eat and we go shopping.
Now what are the kids doing? Playing in a mud puddle in our backyard. Again, the best of intentions - I was going to pull out our kiddie pool, except that it had been sitting curled up at the side of our house all winter. So it was all muddy and had bugs on it. By the time I had it out flat and somewhat rinsed off, I was too tired. Not only that, I couldn't find the air pump. So I sprayed the kids with water and then let them loose with the water hose. They decided to make a huge water puddle. Hey, if they're happy, I'm happy.
July 22, 2008
July 06, 2008
Es was so lucky in finding a nice apartment online without ever having seen it! No floor plan. Just google maps and hearsay from friends. She really didn't have much choice, also because of having 2 dogs. One of the apartment complexes wouldn't take both dogs. So we packed up her stuff and loaded it into a Ford pick-up truck my dad rented that was towing a 12x6 UHaul trailer. Her stuff almost didn't fit. She had to leave behind her doggie door insert and some patio chairs. I also sold off two of her couches, lawnmower, lamp, and her guest bed. Thank you Craigslist! You sell it cheap enough, it goes! I actually sold the guest bed first. A family was moving from an apartment to a new house and looking for more furniture. The wife actually said she was looking for beds for the kids, but when she saw my posting, she thought it'd be nice to have a newer bed for her and her husband. When she and her husband came to pick up the bed, I asked her if she wanted couches too. I told her I already had an offer of 75 for the two, so if she wanted to beat that price, she could have them. She took them for 100 and also bought a lamp for 5 bucks. The kicker is that Es got the couches and the lamp free from a friend. The lawnmower was also a hand-me-down.
Back to the trip from Harrisburg to Houston. Not bad of a trip at all. My dad drove the pick-up the whole time. Es and I traded off driving her car - loaded down with her guitars, keyboard, miscellaneous stuff, and two dogs. Boy, those dogs were so good on the whole trip. My dog would have been getting antsy. But he's only a year and a half. Cous and Cory are like teenagers already - in dog years. We stayed in hotels on the way - one in Wytheville, VA and the other in Baton Rouge, LA. Thanks to my visa card points - free hotel nights. I forgot about the dogs though and didn't look into hotels that accepted pets. Cous and Cory had to spend those nights in Es' car. Can you believe it? Again, they were so well-behaved!
We arrived in Houston and found Es' apartment complex. Nice gated community. Interesting demographics. Very un-Harrisburg/Hershey and very un-Pittsburgh. Probably very un-Pennsylvania. Surprising enough, the apartment was pretty nice. A one bedroom with a little study connected to it. Nice sized living room, dining room, and kitchen. Nothing compared to owning an actual 3 bedroom house, but for 2 years, it'll be comfy. I hope.
I drove back to Austin with my dad on Saturday. Now I've been just taking it easy. Catching up on the internet (my sis didn't have her internet hooked up yet - we spent hours on the phone on the car trip to Houston yelling at AT&T because they couldn't hook up her internet until 7 business days later - not counting 7/4 and the weekends - AT&T entertainment said they could hook up the cable in 3 days, AT&T internet needed 7 days just to process the account information! Get it together AT&T!), enjoying Texas weather and getting some sun. The sad part is that I keep seeing little things here and there that remind me of my mom. I was cooking dinner and started getting teary-eyed because I thought, my mom should be standing here cooking. This is her kitchen, not mine. Earlier, I had been cleaning out one of the refrigerators because my dad turned it off to clean it and never got to it before he left for PA. So I was throwing stuff away and came upon my mom's stash of cake frosting and the little frosting flowers she was practicing making. They were so cute - little pink flowers and hearts. I hated throwing them away. I could picture Mom making them. Her hobby - cake decorating. She was so proud of her cakes. I still couldn't bear to throw it all away. How long does purple frosting last? Hopefully forever. I drove by Walgreens on the way to my dad's house and got teary-eyed, just remembering when I would take my mom to there or CVS to pick up her arthritis prescriptions.
My dad and I stopped by her grave today after the meeting so we could check on it. The gravestone must have just been installed. It's very nice. It says, "Precious in the sight of the Lord." I'm hoping that in a few weeks, the grass will have been planted and the grave area cleaned up. Then Es is supposed to help put some flowers in. Okay, now I'm getting weepy again so I'll type more some other time.
June 16, 2008
hello webkinz
June 08, 2008

March 08, 2008
First Boyfriend
February 23, 2008
Music Man
When Zach's group was singing (1st and 2nd graders), I was cracking up like crazy. Zach and his friend Summer were so cute! I was pretty much crying because it was so hilarious. Zach was so animated. He had this humongous grin on his face while he was singing. He just seemed to be really enjoying himself up there. This is one of the reason's why I signed him up again. At first, he wasn't going to continue the next term for the drama class, but I told him that it wasn't going to be singing this time and was going to be Aladdin Jr. I also told him to tell the teacher that he should play the part of Abu, the monkey.
Anyway, back to the musical. Zach was right up there in the front. He didn't look nervous or shy at all. He looked so natural and just really like he was enjoying it up there. You could tell he didn't totally know his part because he looked at Summer a few times to see what she was doing. The teachers also threw in an extra song 2 weeks ago. Zach's drama class only meets once a week, so that was kind of late to throw in a song. It was one that everyone sang in but they stuck Zach's group right up front. He sure did look like he knew the words though. The only part was at the end, he was supposed to stick his arms up in the air and he was the only not doing it. Then he noticed that the people around him had his arms up, so he stuck them up at the last beat. I saw him put his head down like he knew he messed up. But the lights went out at that point. And I noticed that his hands were still up even though every one else's were now down and they were lining up to leave the stage. It was too hilarious. The good thing is it seems like stuff like this just rolls off his back. Sports stuff - when he messes up or loses, he holds it more to his heart. But messing up on stage, seemed like just fun. He didn't mind as much. We'll see how it goes with this next drama class, but he does seem like a natural.
February 12, 2008
Another scare
Apparently, she was standing on a chair trying to get something and fell off the chair, possibly hitting her stomach on the chair. I was in the kitchen and just heard this groan. I knew she was really hurt with that kind of groan. So I ran over to her in the dining room and she's bowled over, holding her stomach, still groaning. I asked her what was wrong and she said she hit her stomache. Then she kind of went into a trance. I picked her up and she stayed in her bowled over position, like she was frozen. So I sorta straightened her out, patting her on the back, and calling her name to wake her up. She wasn't asleep, just in shock. I called her name and turned her head to look at me and her eyes was open but not really seeing. Then I called her name again, and she finally responded, "What?" I told her that she hadn't been answering me. She just had this scared look on her face, like "What are you talking about Mom?" Boy did that give me the shivers.
Anyway, she was fine after that. Just a little shaken up. She ate some spaghetti then lied down for a little bit and then she was off to play at her friend Lydia's since today is a snow day so no school. Just to re-assure myself, I called the doctor and he said that most likely she scared herself and should be fine. If she starts to vomit or complain about pain, then I can take her to the ER. So is he saying my daughter's a wimp? She can't take the pain? Ha. Anyway, the paranoia sets in when you think... what if she does this at school or anywhere where I'm not there? That's a mom's paranoia. What if something happens to your child when you're not there to save them...
Enough paranoia for today. I'm going to get some coffee or maybe chocolate. That'd be good.
brown baby
John's brown baby had a cold in his chest,
cold in his chest,
cold in his chest.
John's brown baby had a cold in his chest
so he slobbered it with mentholated goo.
I think the words are really supposed to be like:
John Brown's baby had a cold in his chest...
so he slathered it with mentholated goo.
But hey, brown baby makes sense too. The mentholated goo word was a bit tough to get the first time. It was like menth.... mentho... mentholated goo. So she did get it eventually. No prompting from me since I didn't even know the words.
Now Asia's singing:
It's Valentine's day.. it's valentine's day.. it's valentine's day tomorrow.
February 02, 2008
Glasses for Z.N.
The good thing is, he looks good in his glasses. They're these cute dark blue plastic glasses. We actually got 3 pairs for him. One from the eye doctor, the other two from a web site that sells glasses starting at 9 dollars or so. Add on shipping, and other things like anti-glare, and still your glasses only cost 20-40 dollars. Pretty good. Especially for kids. And here's why.
Zach's always losing his glasses. Since he's not used to wearing them all the time, he'll take them off and place them where-ever. Including the floor. Well, yesterday, he left them on my bed. I didn't know this, though. I thought he was wearing them when he went to school. Later in the evening, I notice him wearing another pair and found out that he didn't know where his blue glasses were. Turns out that Jersey had made a chew toy out of them. They were under my bed. One of the glass panes was gone. Still haven't found it yet. And the frame was cracked. Jersey had a good time with those glasses. Nevertheless, I made Zach pay for 1/2 of the cost so that we could buy him another pair just like those cute blue ones. Good thing it only cost him 12 bucks.